Saturday, August 18, 2012

Tooth-brush time

It's funny how bright and white a puppy's teeth are, and how quickly they get all yellow when the puppy isn't a puppy anymore. Have you tried brushing a dog's teeth? Fun, isn't it? Best case scenario, the tooth brush is immediately transformed into a chewie toy... LOL!!!

One of my dogs is really good about it. She doesn't exactly pull her lips up and help, but she sits still and lets me handle her teeth. The American Eskimo I keep mentioning here on the blog doesn't love it, but he accepts it. My youngest dog runs for his life and hides.

I used to have some doggy tooth-gel that worked really well. I've had the same bottle for about two years, and by now, I have no idea where I got it. I think it's a product sample from work. With this well of puppy tooth health running dry, it was time to try something else.

Tooth spray sounded good in theory. The container says, "Gently pull back the lips and spray directly on the largest area of tartar." I tried it on my good girl, and she waited patiently while I pulled her lip up and fumbled with the bottle. Then, a spray of strange, cold, minty fluid hit her teeth and gums, and she didn't want to play anymore. The spray smells great, if I put it on my fingers and let them lick it up they love it, but there's a surprise factor with it that doesn't work well on my dogs.

Over to tooth wipes. Again, the good girl got to be test subject, just because she's the easiest to handle. The wipes look like a little sheet of fabric or cotton wool or something, and they smell nice and minty. I held her lip up and rubbed the wipe against her teeth. She didn't mind at all. Over to the American Eskimo. He didn't love it, but he didn't run away, so that was kind of a success. Youngest dog hid, of course.

There is also a dental chew I haven't tried yet. My favorite dog supplement store has been out of stock for ages, but as soon as they get it in, I'll give it a try. I bet that'll work on all of them.

When it comes to the results, thus far, the gel has been superior. The wipes come in as a good second place. They make the teeth really nice and white, but it needs to be applied more often than the gel. I can't wait to try the chews, see how they do.

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